Admin understands that all content contained in this Website, does not fully belong to HealLink, some of the contents are original, and some take references from books, magazines and other health sites.
There are some Content that is on the HealLink Website
Articles / Entire Posts
There are articles on Heallink that are really Original made by Admin, There are also those who get references from certain sites, articles that get references from certain sites will have a source of news at the end of the article. This reference article is not an article that only copy and paste from other websites, but this reference article is an article that is remade, with reference to articles from other websites.
Photo / Picture / Image
Photos / Images / Image are mostly photos / images created by HealLink, but the admin does not deny that there are some photos obtained from the Google Search engine, by first seeing the Right to Access Photos.
Videos on this website are mostly taken from Youtube, and Facebook from HealLink's personal account.
Publish a video here is also not just carelessly publish a video in one post, but given a detailed explanation, and there is a strong reason why there should be a video in the article, given Google's regulation that a good blog is a blog that does not contain a lot of video.
Content that can be downloaded here is free of copyright.
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