Health Benefits of Jengkol

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Unripe Jengkol
Jengkol is a food that is often consumed by the people of Indonesia or in several countries in Asia. The food is widely processed and combined with various other ingredients. Usually jengkol is processed into stews, chili sauce, Rendang Jengkol, chips, or Salad for jengkol that are still young.

But there are still many who are reluctant to consume jengkol because of the effects of smell after eating. Sometimes after eating jengkol mouth becomes smelly and when urinating also becomes jengkol smell. That is why some people do not like jengkol.

Jengkol Dish

Health Benefits of Jengkol
Jengkol can cause urine, feces, sweat and breath become odor, but these vegetables have a variety of essential nutrients for health. Jengkol contains protein, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, B, and C).

Jengkol also contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, steroids, saponins, glycosides, alkaloids, and tannins. These vegetables also have diuretic properties that can ward off various diseases.

Here are a series of benefits of jengkol which are rarely known.

1. Preventing cancer-causing free radicals

2. Good for pregnant women and fetuses

Unripe Jengkol

3. Prevents heartburn and stomach acid

4. Prevents anemia

5. Control blood pressure

6. Increase bone and muscle strength

7. Healthy teeth

8. Maintain heart health

9. Helps to lose weight

10. Prevent diabetes

11. Overcoming constipation

12. Prevents defects in babies

13. Control blood sugar levels

14. Prevents chronic diseases

15. Increase stamina

 Side Effects If Excessive Consumption.

Caution Side Effects that Caution
You should not fall asleep with the myriad benefits of jengkol above. Although beneficial for health, these vegetables can also trigger a number of side effects if consumed in excess.

Jengkol counteracts amino acids that contain toxins, so you can get poisoned if you consume too much.

No less interesting.
Some of the symptoms that can appear include urine retention, muscle spasms, to kidney failure. This condition is experienced by many men.

Because jengkol acid does not dissolve easily in water. So that it can cause interference with the urinary tract due to the accumulation of mineral crystals. You can consume jengkol but not too much. Eat at least twice a week.

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